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Tesla Coils & The World System

Nikola Tesla's Engineering Legacy

It was around the turn of the century, January 22, 1900, when Nikola Tesla sent his business associate George Westinghouse, Jr. some fascinating news. He wrote confidentially: " I have just returned from Colorado, where I have been carrying on some experiments since a few months past. The success has been even greater than I anticipated, and among other things I have absolutely demonstrated the practicability of the establishment of telegraphic communication to any point on the globe by the help of the machinery I have perfected. "

The experiments Tesla referred to were preliminary steps taken toward the construction of a prototype global communications facility on eastern Long Island -- a place known as Wardenclyffe. They centered around a unique form of electrical oscillator that Tesla had developed for the production of high voltage, high frequency alternating electrical currents, an invention which his contemporaries dubbed the "Tesla Coil."

Also known as the disruptive discharge coil, these devices initially served as power supplies for various experimental high frequency electric lamps and other high frequency apparatus. The Tesla coil was subsequently adapted to the generation of radio frequency currents for Tesla's then decade long investigation into wireless transmission, offering a superior alternative to the high frequency electrical alternators that he had also constructed for the same purpose.

Nikola Tesla's historic laboratory and wireless communications facility (left) known as Wardenclyffe, located about 65 miles east of New York City on the North Shore of Long Island. It was here this creative genius worked out the final details related to his "World System" for ground-based global communications. The distinctive 187 foot tall tower was demolished in 1917, but the sturdy 94 foot square building still remains standing in silent testimony to Tesla's unfulfilled dream.

The main component of the classic Tesla coil is an air core electrical step-up transformer, an assembly of two concentric wire coils positioned in fairly close proximity to each other. When an alternating current passes through the first coil or primary winding a time varying magnetic field is established which allows the transfer of energy by electromagnetic induction to the second coil or secondary winding. The transformer's primary is excited by the rapid discharge of a high voltage capacitor through a high speed switching device known as a break or circuit controller. The potential which appears at the secondary's high voltage terminal is developed through a process known as resonant rise. It can greatly exceed the voltage that would be expected from a conventional iron core transformer, using a simple calculation based upon the ratio of primary to secondary turns, that is to say, ratio of transformation. While in operation, the oscillator's primary capacitor is continuously recharged by a regular high voltage transformer, allowing for an uninterrupted flow of radio frequency current in the primary and secondary circuits.

The magnifying transmitter, which was the focus of Tesla's investigations in Colorado, is an advanced form of radio frequency oscillator specifically designed for wireless transmission. In addition to the primary and secondary inductors which made up the classic Tesla coil, Tesla added a third inductor, actually a helical resonator, known as the extra coil. Power from the grounded primary / secondary combination, now known as the master oscillator, was fed to the lower end of the extra coil helical resonator through a heavy electrical conductor.

This centrally located extra coil was separated by a wide space from the other two coils, which comprised the master oscillator section. Such spacing minimizes inductive coupling between the extra coil and the master oscillator, preventing, for the most part, a portion of the energy that is continuously flowing into the resonator from passing backward through the system and becoming lost. In addition to maximizing the efficiency of the system, allowing development of the highest possible power output for power consumed, the extra coil also served as the device's main transmitting element. (Operational Tesla Coils - Left and right))

While Tesla's wireless transmitter and present day radio transmitters are fundamentally the same, the method in which Tesla preferred to use his apparatus was radically different from that which is employed in present day radio systems. Conventional radio transmitters are set up so as to maximize the amount of power radiated from the antenna. When used for long range transmission, such equipment must process tremendous amounts of power in order to counteract the reduction in field strength (P = 1/R2) encountered as the signal radiates outward from its point of origin. In contrast, Tesla's magnifying transmitter was configured so as to minimize the power which was radiated out into space. Instead of being directed into an elevated antenna, the electrical energy flowing through Tesla's transmitter was sent instead into the extra coil.

Rather than acting as a radiator, the large metallic spheroid, now known as an isotropic capacitance, which Tesla positioned above the extra coil was intended only as a reservoir for electrical charge. Another important component of Tesla's Long Island apparatus was an underground array of iron pipes which extended outward from the bottom of a deep shaft beneath the transmitter tower. When coupled with the transmitter these pipes provided a connection to the earth through which a powerful oscillating electrical current would flow. Unlike a conventional radio transmitter with an antenna that radiates dissipating electromagnetic waves out into space, the magnifying transmitter's extra coil excites a low-frequency ground wave called the Zenneck surface wave. In this case the propagating energy does not radiate into space but is concentrated near the earth's surface. Furthermore, Tesla asserted that it is possible to periodically disturb the equilibrium of the earth's electrical charge and cause it to oscillate with his apparatus. This would be accomplished by superposing an extra low frequency baseband signal on the somewhat higher frequency signal coursing through the resonator -- the low frequency current in the presence of an enveloping corona-induced plasma of free charge carriers produced by the oscillator in effect "pumping" the earth's charge.

 (Pike's Peak Power Station, in Colorado, above left)

It is believed the resulting ground current with the associated Zenneck surface wave complex would have propagated wireless transmissions to any distance around the earth with as little as 5% loss due to radiation . Using a global array of these magnifying transmitters, it was Tesla's plan to establish what he called the World System, providing multichannel global broadcasting, an array of secure wireless telecommunications services, and a long range aid to navigation, including means for the precise synchronization of clocks. In a more highly developed state he envisioned the World System could expand to include the wireless transmission of electrical power.

Telsa at work, right. This photo you have seen many times. The shot was taken without Tesla actually in the room with the coil in operation, and the images were combined using a technique similar to a "time delay", double exposure shot. No one could survive in the room with the voltage present, not even Tesla, himself. It does make for a great effect, though, which is exactly what the picture did, at the time.

Mystery of Wardenclyffe Tower

Let’s visit Tesla’s laboratory in Colorado Springs again, where Tesla made his experiments using electromagnetic fields of high frequency. He studied the operation of the human brain on himself. He wrote to his friend Johnson about some intelligent properties of electromagnetic fields. Biophysical principles of neurology were born. Just after this, in 1901, construction on Long Island began - Wardenclyffe Tower; the Magnifying Transmitter. The matter concerns a complex transmitter of electromagnetic waves. Tesla applied all his knowledge to design it: Teleautomatic Control, Hertz’s Wireless Wave Transmission, unique Ether Theory (according to which any natural element of Mendeleev’s system has its own gravitational acceleration as well as its own techniques to control the speed of time courses). A new physics was born.

What new concept could be obtained by experimenting with resonant concentrated magnetic and electromagnetic fields? Let’s return for a moment to a mystic Monard and his picture of the cosmos. Speaking about vibrations, he underlines the present; there are different nations, races and tribes on the planet, but we would never meet anyone who could live without music and dancing. 2500 years ago, Pythagoras said to his progeny that stone is frozen music. Every particle of the physical Universe has a certain property, which is pitch and overtones of its separate frequencies, i.e. its melody . (harmonic and sub-harmonic frequencies).

The natural influence of music on a man is the same as the nature of its influence on the world events, because vibration is the basis of all. The frequency of vibrations of subatomic particles is very high and waves in the center of subatomic nucleus move even quicker. Vibrations of all radiant energy (radio waves, heat, light, X-waves and so on) could be regulated. The Electromagnetic Spectrum contains more than 80 known octaves and visual light is only a part of this spectrum. Electromagnetic waves, just as acoustic waves in music, have their own harmonious high-pitched tones and there is some kind of octave principle, i.e. doubling of frequency. The common laws of music and harmony, applied to electromagnetism, give splendid results. That’s why Nikola Tesla used the works of Herman Helmholz to tune (sound in) his electrical resonators.

Johan Kepler, an astronomer, who lived in XVIIth century, believed that every planet of the Solar System is alive and there is a guardian angel on every planet, which listens to its music. Planets "play music" on their circumsolar orbits. A particular combination of sounds, which we call music, is an expression of the relation between things, in other words, their likeness and their differences. It is also a principle of appearance and disappearance of the phenomena as well, which shows how new and younger systems form from coordinated harmonious systems. The inner structure of music is the same as the structure of all the rest.

In 1665, a Dutch scientist, Christian Huyigense, noticed that the pendulums of two clocks hanging on the wall near each other start to move in rhythm. It is a universal phenomenon. When two or more oscillators begin to pulse with sufficiently small differences in time (with small shifts in phase) their oscillations come into coincidence, spontaneously. They behave according to the principle of minimum energy since every separate pendulum requires less quantity of energy with synchronous pulsation than in the case of arrhythmia. This coordination is everywhere, but we rarely notice.

We can say that all animate things are oscillators, which pulse and change their rhythms. Even the simplest unicellular organism is in complex oscillatory state. All motions on subatomic, atomic, molecular, sub-cellular and cellular levels are coordinated. In such an organism like a human being, it is very difficult and even impossible to determine corresponding parameters. Our inner rhythms are closely interconnected and they are coordinated with our external world. The physics acting on a man, on his rarified plane (astral), states that change in one rhythm, ie. the Earth’s movement around the Sun, its ebbs and flows, day and night cycles, and the many other cosmic rhythms, will effect physical change in the man, himself. Any violation of coordination between these rhythms causes discomfort and even near illness in the organism.

Our physical body serves as exponent of our inner lead pulse, and, at the same time, it is our individuality that is our distinction in the Cosmos. The so-called "fine body" in essence has an electromagnetic material base. The Life of each of us is characterized by certain rhythmical schemes, which are subjected to physical death and retains an extracorporeal experience of the spirit, which is reincarnated. There is a supposition that the so-called "Shuman waves" takes place in the telepathic transmission of image and thought. These are waves of 7, 8 Hz frequency, which form a field of standing waves in the space between the Earth's Ionosphere and its surface. It is our natural electromagnetic layer, which can be fully felt at the seashore or in the forest, though sea and forest absorb other harmful frequencies. It may occur that the brain enters a state of resonance with some external structure; a result will be the appearance of its image at a distance, i.e. there is a contact made by means of resonance but not by means of radiation. Since these waves have a large length (38 000 km), then transmission takes place immediately. Waves with such an extreme low frequency cannot be screened by the usual means. In essence, waves of an organism often coincide with these waves by phase. However, the problem is that waves with such low frequencies can transmit little information and therefore it is often impossible to receive a clear picture and give a full description of images of things.

Modern holistic (integral) approaches to understanding the Universe have sacral traditions, per se. These foundations were laid as traditions in religion, such as Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, where we can find a clear statement that every part of Cosmos includes the Whole. It is analogous to the principle of holography. It is considered that we can make a full hologram of the Universe based on any of its small parts. Formation of this hologram can take an arbitrarily long time. The Hologram of a real man is something different from the physical basis of an ideal cosmic rhythm.

Consciousness, which is a continual manifestation of the rarified substances (astral) of a man, is shifted by its phase in comparison with genetic material, and conscious will is only one of the universal instruments of cosmic purposefulness. A "right" man acting in a "right place is a man whose intentions are coordinated with cosmic rhythm. Conscious intention has power, and our main choice is to take responsibility for its results. So, actually we are made of waves, but not of matter, which would be called "solid." All that we call  -things- and -events- are manifestations of acting on these waves. Every man has his unique cosmic identifier assigned by a certain function of waves, which represent us. Every man has his own hologram, which contains a universal information about time. The Identifier is a main element of Cosmos; it characterizes an individual specificity of a subject, who using this identifier, can influence everything by methods, which seem to be unusual. We are a peculiar hologram, so potentially we know all about all.

The secret of Wardenclyffe is hidden. Nevertheless, many things show that the object built by Tesla in Long Island (at that time it was a New York suburb) went ahead of all the dreams of modern scientists. It was a translator of electromagnetic wave systems. By means of these waves (that scientist called earthquakes), Tesla could attain "mental" shifts in people and animals, fires in the atmosphere, creation of an impenetrable energy barrier in the ionosphere, controlling time, splitting and condensing  of the clouds by means of corresponding wave frequency, and, finally, an inexhaustible energy from the Ether using the principle of "Ether Technology," which is still unknown to us. Tesla demonstrated his experiments to numerous witnesses, but he never announced all of the results nor divulged to anyone his scientific principles. The real reason for building this giant electromagnetic and mechanical oscillator and his motives, could be much more serious than we could yet imagine.

A report by W. Pickering, professor of the Harvard Observatory, named “Alternating light from Mars”, was published in “New York Times” on January 16, 1901. It may be shortened:

Last year in the beginning of December we got a telegram from Lowell observatory at Arizona. This telegram informed that a strong light flux was noticed coming from Mars and lasted for 70 minutes. Lowell observatory specializes on observations of Mars, and observer was an attentive, approved and experienced man, so we have no doubt in his statements. We will consider these facts immediately and will notify Europe and America via telegraph. The light came from the known point on Mars and there is no unusual in this point according to scientific data. Whatever there was, now we have no means to research anything. We cannot say with certainty if it is a sign that there is an intellect. For the time present this phenomenon is inexplicable.”

When this information appeared, Tesla was in New York. He just returned from Colorado Springs, where he, through the course of year, made epochal and inexplicable experiments with electromagnetic fields of resonant properties. (Tesla’s laboratory in Colorado was situated precisely on the summit of Pike’s Peak. It is interesting that this peak was deified by the Hopi Indians- they consider it the Spiritual Pole of the World).

Encouraged by the information from Lowell observatory, Tesla stated in the  New York Gazette that during his research in Colorado Springs, he communicated with Mars himself. At that time, he made hints about having already designed a device for interplanetary communication, which would be improved in the near future. He wrote: “I’ll never forget the first feeling that I felt when I understood that I have a contact with something, which will have priceless and immense results for all humankind. Things that I noticed, frightened me as if I saw something mysterious and almost preternatural. Little by little I understood that I am the first who hear messages sending from one planet to another…

Respected Professor Holden didn’t consider Tesla’s contacts with extraterrestrial beings by means of electromagnetism, because he thought it was not a serious case. Tesla worked with some extremely long electromagnetic waves of very high frequency that do not correspond to accepted theory, because increasing of a wave's frequency is always related with short-wave transmission. However, Tesla’s waves were different from those discovered by Hertz. They propagated with a speed, which far exceeded the speed of light, better to say that their propagation was instantaneous. Tesla had his own theory of electromagnetism, which is still not properly interpreted. He discovered not only the possibility of wireless transmission of energy through the Earth and atmosphere without any losses, but also proved an unprecedented "breakdown power" of these waves during their negotiation of space. There is an unconfirmed legend that Tesla was the first to send periodical signals to the stars.

Supposedly, Tesla sent coded geometrical theorems like those of Tales, Pythagoras, and an Archimedean formula of the harmonic series (we speak about addition of the series 1+1/2+1/4+1/8+…. the Sum of this series is equal to two but, the number of terms can be infinite). Three days later, Tesla was surprised - he got a response. He guessed the principle, which lie in the basis of the response code, and got a human face with regular features. At first he couldn’t understand if this picture was made by those who sent this signal and wanted to show that they know of our civilization, or they drew their own image to demonstrate that there are similar beings in Cosmos. If it is true, then it should be clear that Tesla refused any open discussion of this discovery because he couldn’t get a response. But soon, something occurred that returned discussion of this happening in the American press.

In 1902, Lord Kelvin, a famous English physicist, visited America. When he spoke to Tesla, he expressed a full consent and understanding of the fact that details of Tesla’s "extraterrestrial communication" were not for public discussion. After a banquet (organized in his honor), Lord Kelvin said some good words about New York: “It is the city with the best illumination in the world and it is the only place on the Earth, which can be seen from Mars”. In addition, as if in some kind of inspiration he finally exclaimed “Mars is signaling New York”. This time, nobody had objections. Even persistent Professor Holden kept silent. It was not polite to contradict such an old and respected man as Lord Kelvin. Instead of objections, an article written by the writer and publicist Julian Hotorn, Tesla’s associate, appeared as a direct conclusion from this discussion. He described Tesla’s sensational methods as a fantasy. Hotorn wrote:

It is evident that people from Mars and other old planets had been visiting Earth for years and attentively observe the development of our civilization. Besides, Tesla’s birth changed all. Maybe, it is possible that people from the stars control his spiritual and scientific development, isn’t it? Is there anybody who can know something concrete?” In the heat of the disputes concerning Martians, Tesla was alone in his Wardenclyffe Tower and continued to work hard and insensibly on the biggest project of his life; Wardenclyffe Tower was to make radical changes in the development of our civilization. These changes cannot easily be considered true.

Earth - the planet as a resonant system

When making a decision to build a relaying station, Tesla at first bought a plot at Long Island and then asked the famous J.P. Morgan for help. Morgan was a member of numerous secret organizations; also, he was a genius of business organization. He already had cancer and had a hope that Tesla‘s science would help him recover. He expected that Tesla somehow would connect him to some energy source and make him young and healthy forever. Tesla thought that Morgan would be a man who would understand his plan. He considered that a man has predestination and every man is predisposed to its own activity. Negotiations between the two friends were private. There is no clear information about the time when Tesla decided to begin the construction of Tower and about expectations of Morgan as businessman and financier.

During his public appearances, Tesla changed his statements of Wardenclyffe Tower at Long Island, twice. At first, he stated it was for a universal telegraph and telephone system, and secondly, for wireless energy transmission through the Earth. The truth might be found in his letter to Morgan:  "What I contemplate and what I can certainly accomplish, Mr. Morgan, is not a simple transmission of messages without wires to great distances but it is the transformation of the entire Globe into a sentient being, as it were, which can feel in all its parts and through which thought may be flashed as through the brain..." Many authors, especially Tesla‘s biographers, blamed Morgan for cutting off financial assistance at the moment when Tesla was on the threshold of important discoveries. Tesla, in his autobiography "My Inventions" clearly tells us about it. In spite of all that was said, Morgan fulfilled all his obligations regarding him.

My project was retarded by laws of nature. The world was not prepared for it. It was too far ahead of time. But the same laws will prevail in the end and make it a triumphal success."

Tesla tested his transmitter at its full capacity on June 15, 1903. He began his experiment sharp at midnight. This night New York citizens witnessed the event which would astound future science. Glaringly bright strands of electrical plasma, the length of more than a hundred miles connected the spherical cupola of Wardenclyffe with the sky. The next day the "New York Sun" wrote:

"people living near Tesla’s laboratory at Long Island were intrigued very much in his experiments with wireless energy transmission. Last night they were the witnesses of a very strange phenomena - multicolored lightning made by Tesla himself, the inflammation of the atmospheric layers at different altitudes and along the New York territory, Night suddenly turned to day. At times, the air was full of luminescence, concentrated along the edges of human body, and people radiated a mysterious shine or glow. They seemed to be (as) ghosts."

According to Tesla's initial plan, five towers, the same as Wardenclyffe, would be built. The second tower would be constructed in Amsterdam, the third in China and the fourth and fifth built at the North and South Poles. However, this plan was postponed due to reasons that should (now) be investigated. Finally, if all this could have been realized, what would be achieved? The Earth would become a uniform homogeneous system, which could be controlled by (wireless) telephone commands, which would start certain oscillators, producing and transmitting electromagnetic waves of various frequencies. The same electromagnetic system would be completed with a system for mechanical resonance with the Earth. These systems consisted of a tunnel passed under the laboratory and filled with water and oil, and hydraulic pumps serving as oscillators. By synchronized actions, based on exact mathematical calculations, both systems would start vibration simultaneously together with the rarified stratosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere, as with all liquid and solid structures of the planet. The entire planet would vibrate and resonate in unison!

Before conjecture relating to all the possible consequences of such an event, we should give two more examples that are unusual. In his interview of July 17, 1930 given to the "New York Sun" Tesla redoubled his enigma, stating that people who live near Wardenclyffe and were frightened with his experiments could see much more...

Tesla said
, "
if during last two years they were more awake than asleep, they could get acquainted with really incredible things. Sometime, but not now; I’ll announce something, which you cannot find even in fairytales.”

After one unusual night, with Wardenclyffe Tower (the Magnifying Transmitter) fully operational, he fired (illuminated) the sky above not only New York, but also above all the vast area of the eastern Atlantic Ocean - Tesla suddenly left his laboratory without a clear reason and left everything untouched. As we know, he never crossed the threshold of Wardenclyffe, never visited it, and never appeared on its property again. It was very strange as, he didn’t take any calculations, drawing or document, not one paper. It was a turning point in his public scientific work. Personally, I feel that Tesla's discovered something awe inspiring - something so fantastic that even Tesla himself could not believe it. I think that Wardenclyffe tower, fully functional, tapped the very fabric of nature - universal and unlimited power, freely available to anyone, anytime. I also think that in that moment in time when Tesla realized this fact - he deliberately stopped all work on Wardenclyffe. I think he realized his work could be weaponized!

Tesla’s ether technology

Tesla discovered and used the law, concerning the fundamental properties of Ether. Supposition made about Ether's continuity as one of the main cosmic mediums means that the imaginary center of the Cosmos is everywhere, that law of structuring of such medium should have analogues with the law of location of points in geometric spheres. There is no information that Tesla formed nor told his theory in such a way, but he left some principles of systems working, which are unknown to modern physics. The question is about an Ether Generator, i.e. electromagnetic ball, which has constant electrical potential in spite of any energy leakage, than about a synchronous motor working on the gravitational waves of the planets of the Solar System (this motor turns on independently at certain seasons and reacts on the corresponding arrangement of planets. It also independently turns off, when the resonant interval of time ends). Besides, Tesla designed a metal disk, which could be hung at some height and has anti-gravitational properties, which do not depend on attractive force of any given place. Parts of this structured Ether can be resonant or not. In the first case, a condensation of subatomic particles, such as electrons, protons, or neutrons, takes place. These particles appear by means of resonant synthesis of photons, according to the same principles as during formation of photons as specific particles of Ether - Asynchronous, non-resonant parts of Ether form a space, in which resonating photons form matter.

Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower was a “ Pythagorean” oscillator. A Mathematical description of transmission of particular electromagnetic waves was identical with Pythagorean creative method. Signs used by Tesla in his equations have a single-meaning physical interpretation. Principles of Tesla’s ether technologies belong to the level of cosmic existence, on which it is possible to control space and time. The principle of resonance and harmonic oscillation of ether seems to be so clear that all problems of modern physics, especially problems of energy conversion, will be solved with its development.

By means of his vacuum tube, Tesla got protons, electrons and neutrons directly from the physical continuum (ether) and reproduced them at any distance. Instead of giving ability to the bundle of protons to move free through space to some place, he created conditions for momentary appearances of arbitrary quantity of particles in the given place. Quantity of protons, neutrons and electrons was not limited by anything, the difference in their quantity was stipulated by the created shift in time. Starting from the supposition that Tesla knew something (unusual for science) and still inconceivable to all the laws of nature, we should think about what technical goals he followed using Wardenclyffe Tower and what he expected.

  1. To cause oscillations of the ionosphere. Since the difference of voltage between surface of the Earth and ionosphere constitutes about two billion volts, then the Tower is continually oscillating on upper and lower harmonics of oscillations of the ionosphere up to full coincidence with it by phase (up to resonance) and can discharge it in the same way as usual electrical condensers are discharged. Due to the reason that such a charge could pass immediately, there would be a real threat to New York. A high-energy plasma column of a very large diameter (possibly of several hundred kilometers) would appear from the  ionosphere, and everything situated in this space would be disintegrated. Of course, Tesla had no intention to destroy New York. He only wanted to take energy from the ionosphere by means of short oscillatory intervals to recharge his huge oscillator, which required maximum voltage of one hundred million volts. As a system for hyperfine oscillating, Tesla used a huge quantity of ultraviolet lamps, placed at the top of his Tower.

  2. To take energy from Ether. It is possible to shift time coordinates and produce an energy transmission by time cycles from the past to the future without any violent release of electromagnetic equilibrium of environment by means of oscillation of non-resonance electromagnetic fields. Of course, it should be done strictly following mathematical law, which determines the interrelations of frequencies with a great accuracy. In an opposite case, the results can get out of control and an unexpected destruction of material and biological objects or their momentary dropout form segments of our reality can take place like in the Philadelphia experiment.

  3. To open temporary windows in “parallel worlds”. Since parallel worlds have an electromagnetic structure with the wavelength and frequency of oscillations different from those of the Earth, then is could be possible to make some connection between frequencies of oscillations of our world and other worlds by means of complex harmonic oscillating. Due to this, some pictures of these worlds could become apparent in our earth conditions (and vice versa).

  4. To accelerate human evolution. If we make a permanent high-frequency field harmonizing with collective electromagnetic field of people, then little by little it will be possible to achieve an increase in sensibility of perception and increase in ability to receive ideas. Radiation of these frequencies could be harmful: any disharmony of field (non-resonance) calls a partial separation of astral and physical substance of a man, it can lead to sickness (for example, cancer) or mental disorders. Full separation of one substance from another, of course, leads to death. In addition, all these processes act slowly. Due to their lack of knowledge, people pollute their electromagnetic environment more and more by radio waves, microwave radiation form locators (which call cancer, it was proved experimentally). Other electromagnetic radiation also has negative impact. These electromagnetic waves are in disharmony with frequencies of oscillations, which are natural for vital functions and for informational field of Solar system.

  5. To be able to transfer the Earth into “parallel realities”. If Tesla had finished the construction of the system made of five transmitters and started it, the whole Earth would be in a state of oscillation as a uniform, resonant structure, and in such oscillation, peculiar to some other reality, and thus physically move us to the “parallel world”. Thus possibly, he wanted to accelerate the evolution of civilization. However, it could be very dangerous, because if the Earth enters the state of resonance and is oscillating with "parallel worlds," then catastrophes could occur like that was described in the myth about Atlantis. Modern experimenters should keep in mind that the secret of this physical world lies in metaphysics and as long as our science is blinded with research of “ crude” matter, we will be in the state of an illusionary split consciousness. It is necessary to provide a breakdown of human consciousness, and it will happen in physics. We should free the human mind and adjust it to deep cosmological research. "Imagine you have on a table before you an immense rubber bag snugly filled with water. I take a rubber tube with a piston-rod in it and insert the tube into the rubber bag. When I press on the piston-rod I compress the water in the bag so that it expands the bag." "When I withdraw the piston," continued Tesla, " the bag will shrink just so much as there is water drawn up into my tube; and now if I put a second tube with a piston-rod into the bag at the other end, at every pressure of the first piston-rod the effect will be felt and measured in the second tube. Now if a certain action of one piston-rod indicates a certain word or a certain sentence, if you watch the other piston-rod carefully you may easily read it. This is exactly what takes place in wireless telegraphy," concluded Tesla; " let the rubber bag stand for the earth, the water for the electric currents in the earth, and the two tubes and piston-rods for a sending oscillator and receiving oscillator. One sort of disturbance by one oscillator means a certain sentence, and when this particular disturbance is recorded on the second oscillator the operator there knows exactly how to interpret it."

The "oscillators " to which the inventor refers are huge discs on which are insulated hundreds of coils of copper wire whose ends connect with the centre of the disc, where there is a huge round copper ball. They are really the only apparatus required for wireless telegraphy. To operate them Tesla simply turns the transmitting oscillator face downwards, and turns on a current which causes immense tongues of visible electric flashes to leap from the ball into the ground. The receiving oscillator has a delicate contrivance which throbs with each disturbance of the earth's electric currents and records them on a specially contrived apparatus.

Not the least fascinating of Tesla's numerous inventions is one to which he has given the name of "visual telegraphy." With this apparatus one person has only to look into the receiver of an ordinary telephone in one city, and, while talking to a friend a thousand miles away, he can watch the expression on the other's face, criticise the cut of his new suit of clothing, or advise him what to do for that tired look about the eyes. In this invention the experimental apparatus has proved thoroughly successful. The principle of this invention is that just as much as sound-waves make an impression on the immediate atmosphere, so do light waves make their impression. [Nikola Tesla's wireless telegraphy apparatus.]

"Now, as sound waves of the human voice are transmitted miles and miles by the present telephone after their impression is made on the telephone transmitter," says Mr. Tesla, " just so my experiments have demonstrated that the light waves of the human body can be transmitted by a different sort of telephone miles and miles away. All we need is the invention of a new transmitter. As the impressions of light waves are so many times more delicate than the impressions of sound waves, it follows that to transmit the impression of the human face, for instance, we require a transmitter many times more delicate. Now, selenium being an extremely sensitive substance, I have utilised this material in the construction of the transmitter which I have just described, and I have found it to be perfectly satisfactory."

To make our homes, our offices, and the streets at midnight as light as day, is another of the great tasks which Mr. Tesla set out for himself many years ago. His hope was to invent a new kind of electric light which would have the strong, steady glow of sunlight. That Tesla has succeeded in his dream to make artificial daylight there can be no doubt. To every visitor of his laboratory he shows numerous balls of glass of different sizes which look like miniature suns. The glass balls are perfectly empty, there are no wires in them, nor are there any wires on the outside of them. They do not burn the fingers when they are touched. The light does not hurt the eyes as sunlight and ordinary electric light do. By the time this article is published, a number of the leading New York and Chicago photographers will have their studios supplied with the new artificial daylight. [The hand of Nikola Tesla, taken by his wonderful artificial daylight, just perfected. This is the first photograph made by the light of the future]

"The reason I have chosen to introduce the new daylight to the photographers first," says the inventor, " is that I believe them to be the severest critics, and most hard to please in the matter of light. If it succeeds with them, a new light will succeed everywhere." Not the least ingenious of Tesla's great schemes is his invention to fertilise impoverished land by electricity. When Tesla has a company formed to put this invention on the market it will no longer be necessary for the farmer to spend half his year's receipts in purchasing fertilisers. He has only to buy an electric fertiliscr of his own, which he can secure for a trifle at the nearest town. Dumping a few loads of loose earth into the fertiliser, it comes out at the other end, ready to be spread over the surface of the impoverished ground, where it will insure for the Eollowing season the luxurious crop of the virgin soil.

The explanation which Mr. Tesla gives of just why so simple a piece of work should be productive of such wonderful results is not difficult to comprehend. " Everyone knows," says he, " that the constituent of a fertiliser which makes the ground productive is its nitrogen. Everybody knows also that nitrogen forms four-fifths of the volume of the atmosphere above that piece of unfertile land. This being the case it occurred to me: 'Where is the sense in the farmer buying expensive nitrogen when he has it free of cost at his own door? All the agriculturist needs is some method by which he can separate some of this nitrogen from the atmosphere above the ground and place it on the surface.' And it was to discover this means that I set to work."

As far as the non-technical eye can perceive, the working model of the electric fertiliser consists of nothing but an upright copper cylinder with a removable top, with a spiral coil of wire running throughout the length of the cylinder. Through the bottom of the cylinder are two wires, which connect with a specially constructed dynamo. A quantity of loose earth, treated by a secret chemical preparation in liquid form, is shovelled into the cylinder, an electric current is passed through the confined atmosphere; the oxygen and hydrogen are thus expelled, and the nitrogen which remains is absorbed into the loose earth. There is thus produced as strong a fertiliser for a nominal price at home as it is possible to purchase at a large cost miles and miles away. Mention is made in this paper of only those inventions of Mr. Tesla which have passed beyond the experimental stage. But there are hundreds of other promised wonders in the yet incipient stage of development in the great inventor's miracle-factory. As I have heard one of his admirers express it, an enumeration of these " sounds like the dream of a half-intoxicated god." Signalling to other planets, raising of certain of the dead by electricity, ending all wars by a terrible machine -- these are a few suggestions selected at random.

Nikola Tesla is a young man yet, and on this account many of his promises have been looked upon by older scientists as but fanciful dreams of a youthful mind. He has scarcely ever made any invention whichthe scientific world has accepted as possible on the first public announcement. But sooner or later the scientific wiseacres have been compelled to admit that Tesla has proven their theories to be wrong. How these conservative scientists sneered at Tesla's "Utopian audacity" when he first suggested that man should harness the great Niagara Falls! But they humbled their pride sufficiently to be present when the enterprise was formally completed. Again, when he announced the invention of the "Tesla coil" they set him down as "pipe-dreamer." But a few of the brightest of them set to work seriously on the "coil" with the result that one of them -- Rontgen -- discovered his famous X-Rays. No one who is privileged to know Tesla personally, to have heard him explain his plans, and to have been shown through his unique workshop, has the slightest doubt that every one of his promises will be fulfilled in an equally successful way.

Edit: Frank Dominic Germano

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